I want to earn money online and also I'm a minor, I wanted to find some ways to earn money even if I have to grind since I want to lessen my fathers burden. Can you tell me some ways or ideas to earn online : )
Oh I'm very sorry, I was browsing through the internet but I was finding no results it was all about stocks or trading and it's very hard for me so I thought that someone here is in the same situation as me and is earning so I wanted to ask here and I thought it would be okay since I posted this as an off topic thread once again I'm sorry : )
you can edit social media content, if you have the tech and skill necessary. for example, val pros are looking for editors all the time. other than that, you’re kinda fucked looking for online jobs. idk your age, but physical jobs are more common.
if you want a laugh, look up an “inbound closers” ad. guy is an absolute con artist.
Since you're a minor, I'm assuming you're not graduated yet. I would suggest you to invest your time in your continuing career.
However, here are some ways that legit helped me making money online. (in order of amount earned).
But trust me, you can only make serious money online if,