holy shit
aspas MVP americas league and top 2 on Champions stats
kINgg always a top 5 rated player on every tournament he played
KiNgg overrated
His igling is bad
bro must have learned from FNS then
his igling is bad but he is a rlly good flex and a rlly good player, his decisions and aim are insane
i mean his igling IS questionable
the fact that he is a top 10 players on americas isn't, this guy is insane.
top 5
mwzera kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
hes not good as an igl but hes the best flex in americas by far
okay bro zekken exist
yes, he does exist, and he's a very distant second
Yea but they are going to fail if they don’t fix their strats and midrounding
saadhak is aspas's daddy lev won't be that insane trust me
is it me or is kingg a bit of a boring player
like u see it at the end of the game "oh wow kingg has 32 kills" but u can never remember them.
can u remember a single kingg kill ?
but try tenz...u can see the flick i remember a tenz flick.
i remember a masterclass haven game on lockin
he is a world class player
i remember him butt fucking furia on pearl he is a one man army on a lot of maps, specially the maps with viper