The Argentinian organization 9z Team 9z Team Latin America South Rank #4 Tacolilla Vicente Compagnon suther Tomás Zurita delz1k Joaquin Espinoza NagZ Juan Pablo Lopez Mikey Tap Luciano Pensa have announced their new Valorant roster, signing the roster of Blacktail. The organization is one of the most notable Argentinean organizations, fielding teams in Fortnite, Counter-Strike and League of Legends.

9z Team 🌺

Hoy damos la bienvenida oficial a @9zTeam al equipo que nos estará representando en Valorant.

Ellos son:


📙 @Svenskk1


#TodoVioleta 💜 #NimoTV @ClaroArgentina #Aorus

This new roster has formed around the captain l4cerr as well as mizu and UNNSTO , who all previously played together for Hard Esports. They will be accompanied by Ar4n , who until now represented Undead Gaming Undead Gaming Inactive akz Roberto Videla Fiend Drk fedehk ernzxr Ernesto Riveiro , alongside Exterminia , a Chilean player who has already played at a high level on Paladins and Fortnite.

The team will be coached by Svenskk , who previously coached Furious Gaming before departing the Chilean organization earlier in July.

The new 9z lineup will have their work cut out for them if they want to compete in the upper South American scene, which is already stacked in teams and player talent. The region are currently awaiting the next Ignition Series event to be announced.

9z Team 9z Team Latin America South Rank #4 Tacolilla Vicente Compagnon suther Tomás Zurita delz1k Joaquin Espinoza NagZ Juan Pablo Lopez Mikey Tap Luciano Pensa is now: