to laugh at somebody/something in an unkind way or to make other people laugh at him/her/it
किसी की हँसी उड़वाना, परिहास का पात्र बनाना या बनवाना
Who is mocking? For the blind 😎, he is light 💡🔌. For the hungry 🍆, he is bread 🍞. For the sick 😷, he is the cure 🚫😃🤓. For the sad 😭, he is joy 😂. For the poor 🇺🇸, he is the treasure 💰⛏; for the debtor ✔❎💵, he is forgiveness 👭
Basically just someone who played with lots of pros in NA in ranked & has been playing since beta. Nice guy, he just quit valorant apparently. Hope he does well.