any predictions?
Sayaplayer duelist King sentinel Izu smokes xeta initiator xccurate,Carpe flex
yes but xccurate main roster, pretty sure carpe will be 6th man
saya and izu switching between duelist and controller, xeta initiator, king sentinel, xcc flex
xccurate might be flex alongside izu he plays astra and chamber a lot in his pubs awping in chamber
Saya - Duelist izu - Smokes/chamber k1ng - Senti Xeta - Initiator Xccurate - Flex/smokes when Izu chamber
If T1 play with chamber, xccurate will play the chamber not izu i think
King: smokes/senti Xccurate:smokes/senti Saya: duelist Izu: flex Xeta: initi