Bro they don't want yay, they've already got enough insanely cracked duelists lurking in tier two who would mop the floor with yay.
nuh uh
internet explorer 🥶
br0nzil without aspas 😹😹😹😹😹
blud thinks any brazilian wants yay
these mfs have havoc askia raafa dgzin etc etc etc i dont think they are lacking any talent 💀
Actually a good point. Why would yay fans know Ascension players? They had no reason to watch since yay didn't even qualify
exactly who are these mfs this guy named 💀
wait raafa is a great igl but its not the same role than yay tbh maybe you could´ve said someone like sato liazzi artzin or tisora tbh
fuck raafa man worked with abusers n pedos
Just because he did that, doesn't mean hes a bad person. The Union was the only team who gave him an opportunity after he quit cs to play val
no one wants yay lil bro
Loud already cleaned him when he was in his prime, we don't need him here 😂
loud is known for not picking mono agent players, its all good 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏