Cause this is gonna hinder development from SA and NA.. NA just gonna poach the top players from SA, and this will leave SA having to find new good players while creating a highly competitive environment within NA
this is somthing SA have been discussing since the announcement of franchises
and franchise teams located in NA makes the reagion stronger in an unfair way. NA T2 teams can practice with franchise teams and play stacked rankeds against the best players in all americas, while SA is weakened for having its best players taken off the region. This way, in a short time period, its going to be simply impossible to a SA teams to ever win ascencions
This is a problem with all partnership regions, not only Los Angeles and its respective Americas region. I doubt Riot cares, since they chose 1 city in each specific region, they had to know this would happen
Parternships/Franchises are almost never about enhancing competitiveness, but rather about the orgs making a more stable income (main org here being Riot)