@Supernova @Aris good viewership what u think?
500k for first game if its 5 maps its 900k or 1mill
5 maps? eu gonna rekt them 3-0
half of reykjavik's lul
Just because most overhyped got rekt
shroud had 300k on reykjavik, he didnt even reach 100k in berlin, i think these 300k were fake, thats too much
main stream has 160k that is why
how many viewers got main stream in reykjavik when shroud was with 300k?
110k and the final game 200k
Viewership andies lol
lol if people watching viewers watched match maybe it would be higher enjoy the match rn
This because half of twitch is Co streaming it lol. Pick all of this Co streams and put them to stream any shit and I would still get 300-400k views