I hate it when I play against a good Skye player. 2 flashes , stun and heals teammates. Just don't want to play against a Skye for me. Drop yours.
Breach hands down
Ngl Good initiators = Win
True. But need to work around them too. Like taking space while they give info.
Yeah.. Without players to capitalize off of those opportunities, it might just be game over.
Breach by far
Phoenix Tough to dodge those flashes (They're either too good or suck so bad)
Phoenix on my team always flashes so perfect. So perfect that my whole team dies.
Literally any agent that has lineups are annoying to play against. (although the winrate depends on the skill of the enemy player (I've seen people doing lineups only to immedietely die when the bomb still has 20 seconds left))
has to be breach or cypher
i guess jett mains that are awp one tricks
I hâte cyphers
as an astra main, other astras. it annoys me how someone could be so dogshit at astra and then i just get distracted by their dogshit util usage