I'm back from break on VLR
So I'm starting the series back up
Today is Giants Gaming vs NRG Esports
rhyme Fit1nho nukkye hoody Cloud
FiNESSE s0m crashies ethos ardiis Victor
Who you guys got winning and why
I got finesse 13-8 them in a 1v5
this was back then this is like what the team is currently
currently nrg r scrimming with yay so nrg 26-0 those frauds
wait yay return
yea. jaccob is back
NRG clears.
Current gia>>>>
nrg 1-0 nrg 2-0 nrg 3-0 nrg 4-0 nrg 5-0 nrg 6-0 nrg 7-0 nrg 8-0 nrg 9-0 nrg 10-0 nrg 11-0 nrg 12-0 nrg 13-0
26-0 ethos drops 130
ethos is the goated
Battle of mid