can prime wardell diff KK's op?
KK who? I only know OPAC Wardell πΏπΏ
Both are overrated one is exposed another one will be exposed in a few days. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
bro left vlr for 20mins
did you not read the post I will leave once i reach 1000 posts
no, I cant be fking asked to read allat
welcome back dickhead...i bet u are still horny after 2 chinese teams made playoffs
sure buddy, whatever makes u horny
i mean prime wardell had an objectively better awp and jett so probably
Bro talking like prime Wardell faced any international competition... can't even diff aspas or derke.
He was very good indeed, was one of the highest ACS players out there at that time ... It would be close call But KangKang Quickscope's r just......
sorry the Cantonese Canadian mr 0PaC is simply better.