Everyone knows optic-core vs loud rivalry - but now both teams kinda washed now (possibly both on brink of elim - alth i believe loud will get thru) but no one really talks about legendary battle of the rxs
like they've gone head-to-head 6 times alr - and f0rsaken and d4v4i confirmed in a korean yt interview that they were drawn AGAIN with DRX for champs 2023 but then riot enforced different regions in groups policy
i remember watching prx vs vision strikers berlin masters 2020 - surprised how well an unknown apac team did in almost beating asia's unstoppable power (at the time)
now we all have to accept prx completely outclasses drx - they've come so far
wishing both teams best of luck! hopefully podium finishes from both of them (drx looking a little better by topping group of death)