Snus abbreviation for Sinus. Here are the 6 steps by which you can fight Sinus.
Whether it's a cold in winter or allergies in spring and fall, nasal congestion and sinus pressure and pain are common complaints. But if you know the causes and can find the right treatments, you can breathe freely again.
Find Out What Causes Your Problems
Some people are just more prone to sinus problems than others. You may have narrow sinus passages or a deviated septum. Nasal polyps can also grow in your passages and block drainage. -
Make It Humid
A dry climate or heated indoor air will both dry out the membranes in your nose. And when the mucus up in there dries, it gets thicker and is more likely to clog your sinuses. The result? Pain and pressure.
3.Clean out the Gunk
Use a saline solution to remove allergens, irritants, and excess mucus. You can use a drugstore saline spray. Or make your own solution at home and use a nasal irrigation system like a Neti pot, a gadget that looks like a teapot. You can get one at the drugstore.
Open Things Up
Apply a warm, moist washcloth to your face several times a day. This can help open up spaces in your sinuses. -
Clear the Air
Things in the air around you -- like pollution, cigarette smoke, cleaning products, hair spray, and any other material that gives off fumes -- can make your problems worse. -
Deal With It You Weak Ass