The cloud over Tokyo is raining anime girls and shok darts, Leo is ice cold, EMEA royal genes running in his vein, ahead him is the most Turkish looking Turkish with the most Turkish superior genes Alfa.
"What if Turkey and Sweden got together and have baby?" Alfajer whispers and immediately pounces on Leo who doesn't exercise his lightning fast reflex to dodge as he normally would. They both give each other a French kiss, Sweden kiss, Turkish kiss and make passionate love to each other.
Both are pregnant and lactating. They start a dynasty and conquer NA. NA has been conquered. And then they sell NA for free to Russia. Boaster twerks and all of NA falls down and worships him as a symbol of the day EMEA dominated NA.
Chronicle grabs all his three trophies and bonks every single resident of NA as a rite of dominance. This happens annually.
Derke headbuts every newborn in NA as part of EMEA dominance ritual. Only 50% of NA newborns survive... the survivors have to shave their head and be bald to pay respect to the king.
Yinsu is the only name allowed for girls in NA as part of EMEA dominance ritual.
Every male is to be named Kamyk. Last name is Mini.
EMEA Is top. NA is bottom.