Fortnite: Only kids play this Cheat strike: Why are people still playing cheating games using graphics from 10+ years ago Overwatch: Released 2 and still nobody cares
Valorant clearly has no worthy opponents🗿
Nah valorant is also trash
common domination W, domination when will you dominate me 🥵🥵🥵
Anytime anywhere you want😻
how about now at la champions stage 🥰🥰🥰
Valo cringe community
Compared to fortnite and cs, valo community is pretty normal🗿
If you're in 20s csgo toxic is literally nothing, but valo cringe is weird as fuck. u see some grow up man bearded singing that cupid song
wtf this world become
W valorant made by riot own by daddy tencent best game ever.