Bonecold IGL/controller Cloud scan ini Zyppan flex/flash ini ScreaM duelist (no IGLing, just focused on tapping heads) Suygetsu sentinel
We winning showmatch against content creators with this one 🔥
What NRG couldn't do 🔥🔥🔥
That was pretty smart one ngl, you win this time
looks really good on paper but im not sure it works
Why did you come up with this roster?
Just some of my fav players. Didn't intend to make it the best roster itw lol
Ok then they would be to 4-6 in the world ant top 2-3 in emea
decent roster that makes sense
would prob see every LAN (provided NaVi doesnt regain form) but not win any, solid 7.5/10 roster
no opper, going nowhere
Lacks Oper and has weak IGL. Rest is fantastic.
swap suygetsu for nivera i think, gets an opper + better team chemistry with scream even if it's a bit of a downgrade
not as far cuz emea....
How far would this roster go?
To the Nearest Airport KEKW