you made 1159 post in 3 days
that means on average, you made 16 post every single HOUR
like do you live here? get a fucking job bro holy
No, you must also consider floating time, which is (-) your sleeping intervals during the day. And perhaps a handful of other things... So, roughly every 2.14 minutes you post, and when you don't, guess what... you still scroll VLR forums, so technically you're still in "no grass has been touched mode." ... You see where I am headed with this one, yeah? π¦
Nah, I'd estimate 8+ hours of sleep, plus a few snoozes while reading other people's posts - these do tend to accumulate. And no workarounds, because they, too, must be considered, otherwise the conclusion would be BIASED ... ohh, and you don't want those Biased-L's in your calcs as they are terrible and insignificant. Only BASED W ones
Hence it kind of appears that we are only now getting to the bottom of it...
But does it worth the hustle if we could just place a real green grass carpet under your desk chair or... and call it a day, because you hardly never will be entering "no grass has been touched mode." What do you think? --- simple shit, ngl... with a little cheating ofc... Well, but who cares, right? Just don't tell Stormm π¦ about it, and everything will be π