if it was only sacy that went to SEN but pancada stayed on loud as controller would loud have won lock in?
no fnatic still 2-0🗿
um my bad i meant if pancada was on loud would loud have won lock in
yes loud 3-1🗿
yeah Sen would have won lock in
I mean Tuyz was good at lock in but still they would have prob won 1 more round on icebox to win the game
Nope. They need Sacy to win a title
disagree cuaiNsin is better rn🗿
Cousin is not better
Cauauaisin is 100% better🗿
causucuuuzuziin is better
sacy clears 🗿
saucy fries does not clear cacao beans
You're right caucuaicuaiaisnxaInzinn clears🗿