bonker wins today and win against bleed tomorrow and scars win against dk h2h dk win over bleed 1st scars 2nd bonk 3rd dk
would be wild but that ain't happenin
you never know
i see what u did
Nah bleed known to choke when it matters I hope they make it tho
They have the highest firepower, but that's it. Their gameplay is really not inspiring.
I wonder what are their next move if they don’t win Ascension
Bonkers isn't even winning against OG today
think most likely is bonkers win here but lose bleed but dplus lose to scarz
most likely. but playoff without bleed is crazy theyre expected to win this event
thats true, only 1 or 2 upsets and you can be out, these groups are crazy
copium, what if both bleed and xerxia bomb out of groupstage