which adblocker do you guys use for twitch and others? im running ublock but it doesnt do shit, constantly getting 8 ads
just sub ^_^
no money ^_^
get a job ^_^
no skill ^_^
hi demon1 I really enjoyed your performance in tokyo some would say I'm even your biggest fan
no demon1 ^_^
work at mcdonald, flipping burger doesnt require skill ^_^
says u ^_^
the only sub im using is a prime sub
skill issue
twitch? just watch on youtube you can rewind and doesn't block adblock
Sub to twitch.tv/aaylez for no ads on any streams you watch
Poverty stream
fuck you ^_^
Wdym aylez is tooo rich
glad someone knows it 🙏
ublock on firefox never had an ads on twitch so far
^^ same, uBlock Origin is the best adblocker I've ever used
there was some time where ublock stopped working, is it back now?
adguard, works pretty good
For twitch- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stream-cleaner/lehcglgkjkamolcflammloedahjocbbg For YT- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adguard-adblocker/bgnkhhnnamicmpeenaelnjfhikgbkllg
Twitch adblocks keep getting countered by twitch. You'll have to install a new one every couple months
adblock plus