and it's not even close either. It's pretty obvious from the eye test. when our T2 team is clearly better than EU's 4th seed why would riot give them another extra slot for Champions? I need to see half of the teams that are in the shitMEA league in Champs? can't wait to see Giants and BBL on Champs just to get 0-2'd by a Pacific team LMAOOO
Riot should give the slot to the region who performed best at tokyo, which is Americas. because our 5th best team in NA would clear even EU's 2nd-4th best team. Riot is soo biased towards EMEA ever since they give them 4 slots in Masters Berlin 2021 when NA only got 3 slots. all EU do nowadays is just clinging to FNATIC and that's unfair (don't even get me started when they start to claim CIS's trophies)
if you disagree you clearly have just starting watching Competitive Valorant since LOCK//IN so don't talk to me.