how are they supposed to attack with a sage and a jett? where is the raze nade? you dont have a kj to throw mollys to clear angles or anything or a viper, and omen instead of astra bruh.
dude if you think kj is good on split then ur actually gold.
Not gonna disagree with the smokes part, redgar was doing the most silver smokes possible to throw the entire game
The comp wasn't the entire problem(like they had issues dealing with cypher), it was just how poorly liquid(esp Redgar(and a bit of jamppi)'s weird ass decision making) played that lost them.
There are just better agents on the map, Teams usually run Skye Astra Jett (Sage sometimes) Raze Viper but I feel if you are looking for a hard anchor killjoy is better than Cypher on Split easily, KJ's mollies to stop site executes are better and her ult to retake is the best ult in the game, America and Pacific teams usually run the double duelist comp but I see no reason to see why KJ can't be used on the map.