Since joining Envy in 2021 and throughout 2022 in OPTIC, Yay went negative KD in ONLY 2/52 matches DSG ruined bro's streak
sadge yayster
not even jesus himself could save dsg. yay did great considering lol
u watched the commend video?
Ofc, bro's the goat
Bro ruined DSG too. Fairs man
i just watched the goat of valorant commend vid too!
stfu, this is the most useless statistic you can pull up. he was/is a great player, but not going negative doesnt represent that very much.
It represents consistency. Idk if you’re implying that he had no impact (which is 100% false) or something else.
there are other ways of judging consistency. if my duelist is 47/45 in 3 maps, that dont mean shit. he could have farmed 25/12 in one and then struggled the other 2, we dont know...
and even 15/15 is pretty bad if that is all 3 maps
thats because hes playing the most busted agent in the game
Most busted agent that requires aim