Flag: Ireland
Registered: November 8, 2022
Last post: March 8, 2024 at 8:49 AM
Posts: 156
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What's the story with Aproto and TWAT? The only possibilities I can think of are that he doesn't want to play anymore or that c9 were looking at him and if its the second one it might be joever with pancada being on the market now and he'll be orgless no? Like he's easily t2 level and with wippie being released, they played exact same roles but SEN forcing pancada off smokes means he's experienced in that role aswell.
Idk man, dont want to see either of them orgless, ideal would be pancada back on a brazilian team and aproto in c9 or aproto back on TWAT and pancada finds a home in c9 or elsewhere

posted about a year ago

Please tell me theres a way to show a different crosshair, actually painful to watch his pov

posted about a year ago

ngl mistic I like as a roleplayer, but enzo being an initiator ruins the team. Jamppi is a great initiator and a decent duelist but putting him on viper and kj is just a waste, esp when you have nats. its not a firepower issue its a synergy issue. doesnt work at all on single initiator maps. also surely kj jamppi instead of viper and nats takes viper or just no senti. almost as bad as yay on viper

posted about a year ago

Correct opinion

posted about a year ago

Keiko going insane man, had my doubts but hes doing stuff. 29/60 of teams total kills

posted about a year ago

bro u arent from eu, your early posts literallly state you are american. Stop being a clown, and a fakeflagger. acc so sad

posted about a year ago

were TH gonna make it out of LCQ? Developing talent as early as possible isnt the worst thing they could've done by any stretch of the imagination

posted about a year ago

benjy not t1 level rn imo, but he was top 3 itw in fortnite, moved to valorant and quickly got to this level. We cant deny it, he's got talent, with the right coaching he could become a real problem

posted about a year ago

foo fighters, linkin park, two door cinema club, the jungle giants and shiloh dynasty. Bit all over the place but untouchable

posted about a year ago

foo fighters are top tier

posted about a year ago

Boostio is what we thought we would get from Scream igl for so long. Being a fragging monster while still keeping an incredibly well coordinated team

posted about a year ago

disbanding is the least of concerns, one of them would kill the rest irl. full ted bundy

posted about a year ago

stax, cloud, demon1, suygetsu, bang.All roles filled, stax decent igl with aimers around him that can all take over games. Suygetsu can play viper on maps that use omen+viper

posted about a year ago

u watched the commend video?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

The biggest difference imo was that breakthru was already a team before the signing. DSG had no prior experience together and obv there were some disagreements within the team (performing much below what they should + steel no longer on the team).
I do have to say, this is not the 2022 Yay we know, or anyone like him. Might aswell start calling him "yippee", unless he can really put the team on his back and heroically avoid relegation, very few t1 teams will take him seriously. Most t1 teams have their star duelist already, and theyre building around them. There are a few teams that could try and take him, but with yays current level, he kinda has to swap to sentinel role to even be in consideration.
Teams that could pick him up as duelist (probably will be language barrier); KOI (wolfen swap with no language barrier there would be best case scenario. If he returns to 2022 form then he could definitely be pivotal in changing sentiment of KOI being a joke to a contender with an already strong supporting cast), Heretics (basically the same as KOI just weaker support), MIBR, Lev (taco has been in a slump recently imo, need to watch more Lev tho to be sure), GE, Talon, RRQ, TS

posted about a year ago

yeah lets get tigg out midgame, get dicey an uber to play split and lotus

posted about a year ago

put narrate in aswell but sym does belong there tbf

posted about a year ago

I dont see how seven can still be considered promising. He's had the wonderkid/prodigy label for like a year and consistently doesnt show up in big games. Every 5 games he has 1 round where he pops off, but then hes gone for the entire bo3 after.

posted about a year ago

hobbit>harry potter, rest are goated

posted about a year ago

fnatic and paper rex

posted about a year ago

Its definitely harder to do both, the problem is with making sure that you are giving as much as you can to prac and dont get sidetracked with ur streaming. Streaming can cause problems as it takes up so much time and could be harmful to their skills e.g. lack of sleep/exercise, learning bad habits, etc

posted about a year ago

lets hear the gcse results then

posted about a year ago

Russia is in both Europe and Asia because of its size. NA education?

posted about a year ago

Going 95/64 with +12 on fk/fd is amazing but whats even crazier is that he didnt have any 4ks and only had 3 3ks. He was truly a "got mine" machine, consistently valuable in each round

posted about a year ago

even after having full arguments with him, babysasuke clears. some actually good takes, bait is always entertaining, and how many people have been personally called out by one of the goats of valorant

posted about a year ago

5.Winners Gambit
4.2021 SEN
3.Champions Loud
2.Lockin Fnatic
1.Playoff EG

posted about a year ago

So this is why they out jawgemo on raze and not demon1. His movement is simply insane

posted about a year ago

100%, you like c0m. There are barely any EG fans that like c0m, let alone vlr users

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Man i cant wait for the next patch, Demon2 :)

posted about a year ago

Keep putting up these threads, everytime someone does he gets a 3k

posted about a year ago

EMEA watches Americas aswell because the timing is good. EMEA matches are too late for Asia and too Early for NA.
Aswell as this CSGO is way bigger in EMEA so superfans are still watching CSGO, unlike Americas as they’ve moved on to val fully

posted about a year ago

if he is the jimmy butler of val, then he has to be the son of MJ. Who's MJ

posted about a year ago

There are definitely a good couple better jett players compared to Ardiss currently, but FPX Ardiis is only really matched by leaf (Demon1 hasnt played long enough for me but he would be in this argument too, I'm a big Demon1 fan and have been for a few months before he got signed to EG).
Ardiis isnt scapegoated by everyone but a lot of threads only point fingers at Ardiis to blame because the whole EMEA trash sentiment.
Crashies is super consistent, just unlucko that results arent dependent on his form because of how up and down Victor and Ardiis can be

posted about a year ago

I’ve already accepted that i’m going to get hate for this.

Ardiis was not the problem in that game. M1 Victor hard carried NRG to win (that 3k to hold C was insane). Ardiis played bad but doesnt matter, they won.

M2 Ardiis plays bad at the start. Once EG gets to ~10 rounds Ardiis cooked so hard to drag NRG to OT, and still cooked in OT (had highest rating in map too, over Demon1)
Victor was -14 on raze, huge dropoff from the hype we expected from his loud performance, but everyone has bad games and he has been the best on NRG undoubtedly for a few weeks so it doesnt matter.

M3 defence, Ardiis was top frag and 2nd highest rating, while Victor was 1-11. Defence needs at least 7 to remain competitive on ascent. On attack, they got annihilated, and obv the duelist who takes all the entrys is going to have horrible stats.

Im not saying that Ardiis was the goat, and couldnt of played better. I’m not saying Victor threw the game, or all the other teammates were nonexistant. I’m just saying using Ardiis as a scapegoat in this match is just wrong. He had been underperforming at the start of the season, but hes warmed up a bit and honestly produced more than he should have, especially with him being the teams sacrifice to sell fakes.

Waiting for all the “aint reading allat”’s

posted about a year ago

Its clear that BCJ shouldnt be benched, but whos spot does he take?
Demon1 is Demon1, Boostio is IGL, so neither of them are good options. Most people are saying c0m (me included), but jawgemo might be an option, and maybe even Ethan. C0m showed up yesterday against NRG map 3, was it a fluke or can he be better trusted in clutch decider games than jaw and ethan?

posted about a year ago

Ur insane for blaming ardiis there. Thats not an easy shot, and didnt get enough time for it to be a choke. Ardiis hard carried them to, and in, OT. Just delusion to blame him

posted about a year ago

Ur insane for blaming ardiis there. Thats not an easy shot, and didnt get enough time for it to be a choke. Ardiis hard carried them to, and in, OT. Just delusion to blame him

posted about a year ago

Last 10 games agreed, ardiis has been worse than victor (vic has been the best on nrg for that span imo) but just for this map ardiis is the sole reason for them still being in it. Its crazy to see people blaming him whats happening while hes saving nrg singlehandedly

Edit: directly after this, he 4ks in ot disadvantage. Case and point

posted about a year ago

Yeah and the calling has been killing EG rn. Get him out

posted about a year ago

This is just bias here. Victor is doing wayy worse and keith just won u 2 rounds to keep nrg in game

posted about a year ago

Boostio is their igl no?

posted about a year ago

king + qck vs Furia

posted about a year ago

Dgzin is basically Twisten.
Both super inconsistent, both able to completely dominate rounds with aggressive duels won, both extremely emotional.

posted about a year ago

pssst. Fella, we're EMEA. EP match is lowkey better than TL VIT rn tho, EP were down 11-2 map 3

posted about a year ago

They'll continue to be underrated until Twisten becomes consistent. Their peaks are top tier but, largely due to Twistens inconsistency, they cant produce results.

posted about a year ago

He has just been insane on this map, showing up when needed at all times, even in the small details (like how he killed soulcas r2 to make it 2v5 and get the rifle)

posted about a year ago

Twisten is never mid, only very good or very bad.

posted about a year ago

TH has been looking better ever since weber stepped in, even through the losses, leading everyone to believe that Zeek was the (one of many) problem. The question is; Is Zeek dragging TH down or has Webers impact just been better than what Zeek was able to produce. And if so are there other players on the team, like Keloqz and Mixwell, that could Zeek could replace and have more impact on the game. Weber has been one of, if not the best, on TH so the teams improvement is easily chocked up to his addition but Zeek (aside from his "personality conflicts") is a strong player and champions 2021 MVP in his own right, and might help them get another win if he steps back in

posted about a year ago
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