if you are a SMELLY, STINKY, and UNWASHED vlr.gg user, this is your time to shine (literally) by taking a shower.
"a stinky ass mf never gonna get any pussy" - Socrates
the WORST that can happen is DEATH*! that is an INCREDIBLY small price to pay to stop being a SMELLY FARTASS!
Yoshio Tahara, Association Between Bathing and Sudden Death, Circulation Journal, 2017, Volume 81, Issue 8, Pages 1096-1097, Released on J-STAGE July 25, 2017, Advance online publication July 11, 2017, Online ISSN 1347-4820, Print ISSN 1346-9843, https://doi.org/10.1253/circj.CJ-17-0673, https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/circj/81/8/81_CJ-17-0673/_article/-char/en