hltv UI is perfect tho. All the information at one glance. Most websites need to go back to this UI rather than having lots of empty spaces and needing to use more clicks to what you want to get to. 90s websites were the peak of how a website design should be. It focused on information rather than enforcing site clicks/ad space. I also like the users there since there's no fake positive image on there, if you dont like certain politics, they will tell you straight to your face. Unlike here, where the mods will mute you or warn you without giving a reason since they're pussies who got triggered.
On hltv, I know exactly which mod I triggered on what post. You dont get that level of transparency here. They are also upfront about politics being allowed. While here, although the rules say politics not allowed, the mods still allow "their" politics which they agree with while they warn/mute the politics they dont agree with citing the rule "no politics". I'll take upfront stuff over this hypocrisy.