Peak Low Imm 3 In Val, What rank you think ima get in csgo 2 , played cs 1 for like a total of 2 hours !
aim (as in react time and flicks and a little bit of spray control) will transfer but not movement, gamesense, and utility
all utility is lineups
gamesense is pretty different because of all of the small differences stacking up (as well as diff utility)
movement feels like you are walking on ice, and you HAVE to counterstrafe in order to get a 100% accuracy shot. also just a lot faster in general
Simply raw transfer you get high gold, but put in the time to learn utility and movement youll get much higher even without the perfect gamesense
if you watch a lot of CS esports your gamesense will definitely be better than a just straight transfer
Utility is kind of easy but there are just SO many lineups so hard to memorize
The biggest problem is honestly movement for someone not used to it. Hella slidy, faster than valo, landing after some jumps can temp slows you, crouching a little odd, etc