-corey +n4rrate
Corey has consistently been pretty much a raze one trick and no matter if he's tried to be put on jett, chamber, sova, skye or even gekko it just doesn't work. When he's on raze he's one of the best in NA, but you can't keep a guy around who will only be solid on 3 maps max(if the map pool even favors that). N4rrate is by far the best player in the relegation map and is one of the brightest prospects in T2, and TSM's main downsides this past year have been 2 things.
- consistent IGLing and
- a star fragger.
gMd can work on the IGLing in the break and I think he, Kanpeki, Nature, and Seven(who I used to be very critical of) can create a very solid lineup with no obvious agent pool or fragging weaknesses, we just need to see them bring in a fragger that can contend with babybay, tex, koala, sym, etc and n4rrate is just that.
On paper a roster of
N4rrate duelist
Kanpeki flashes+sage
Nature sova viper flex(similar to the way runi does it)
gMd igl and controller(learning harbor)
seven sentinel with a bit of jett flexibility for a map like split
Engh as head coach
Could be one of the top 3-4 in NA next year.