When people say that I only hate streamers because I'm jealous;
Yes I am jealous
I destroy my life getting a difficult degree and I will be out earned by by these subhumans who have never worked a day in their life and have to endlessly listen to their cope about how they actually work really hard
after starting my degree I see them all as highly entitled, low skill, low talent, low intelligence, low mental maturity, extremely high ego, infinitely selfish, believe that they succeded all due to skill, never had to do anything difficult in their entire lives, they would kill themselves in a week if they had to do a engineering degree or medical school and no backup plan so when they talk about how difficult it is to organise a 6 panel show or a gameshow and think that they deserve a million dollars for that.
They will betray anyone, throw anyone under the bus for some clout numbers like when I see clips of yassuo/moe tell delivery guy 'that I make to much money to deal with you right now' or sodapopin/nmplol clip where they flex their money on some random normies irl or hasan piker who if he gets his ego hurt too much he will go on huge ego rants about how the guy in chat is a nobody, or kaceytron will just call some incel in her chat jealous because she makes more money
all while these people virtue signal about how elon musk and jeff bezos doesn't deserve their money. Elon musk has a engineering degree, I automatically respect someone with a engineering degree 100x then the subhuman waste of oxygen that operate on twitch.
When they say Elon should be taxed more because he does nothing and gets a fuck ton of money for it and unbelievably ironic, by that logic every rat that calls twitch a job should be taxed at 100%, the greed of a twitch streamer far surpasses elon musk or jeff bezos. The twitch streamers is the true hoarder of endless wealth.
So keep defending your streamer daddy, who doesn't know who you are and only cares about you insofar as you can generate them more wealth