Acend would probably take Sentinels in my opinion.
(Also curious to see Gambit on the world scene, looked way too ez for them in CIS)
Acend vs Sentinels - not sure who's going to come out as a winner here. But I'd give it to Sentinels as they deserve it more as Acend had too many lucky instants in their last three games, while SEN are stable af.
Would be interesting to see Gambit though. Despite their rather easier path, they still destroy some EU teams in scrims.
If Acend keep playing like in their last four games, then no questions asked. Though the questions begin with a loss to NIP 2-0 on 12/03 and then winning NIP 0-2 a week later on 19/03. Like what had happened there and how the improvement hapened so suddenly? They went on winning FPX and HERETICS in close matches to reach the major. I don't mind and only encourage teams to go from zero to hero but Acend has done it just recenly and probably need more time to trial things. And it kinda looks like they fluked(not saying they don't deserve the major - just a bit lucky).
Heretics and FPX are much scarier teams to NA imo. The strategical style is something NA lacks at and they usually get by with really good teamwork and good gunplay. Acned actually fit more into the NA scene in terms of playstyle but also aren't all the way not strategical from what I've seen. Anyways SEN would probably demolish them 3-0 as they did Faze while Heretics and FPX would be much more interesting to see. Sentinels have mastered what Faze does but also can play slower and with better teamwork. Sentinels can both be fast as fuck aim dueling everything but be slow and pick apart people. Shahz's post-match interview he himself said that in the Pop Flash event they played exactly like Faze so they knew what to do against it and it shows that they arent one-trick ponies, they are evolving and getting better.
I think Tenz alone increases any chances his team has 2 fold, and taking nothing away from Acend, the team remind me of c9 when Tenz was playing. There's cNed who carries, and his team who just play ok, like Tenz and c9.
But EU and NA have such different play styles I couldn't possibly predict.
One thing I will say is, this first LAN masters wont represent the better regions, at least for NA and EU as you can't rate a region as a whole with only 2 teams representing, even if they win a tournament.
No doubt though, from what I've seen in twitch chat, whoever loses won't hear the end of it.
NA OMEGALUL, EU OMEGALUL, BR OMEGALUL. NA > EU, EU >NA, BR > NA > EU. I close chat when I watch matches now its exhausting just reading.