Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: February 23, 2021
Last post: July 23, 2022 at 5:20 PM
Posts: 37

I dont think DRX fall off, they just dont adapt as well. They play consistently well over tournaments but stick to the same playstyle rather than adapting the more teams they play.

posted about 2 years ago

It was..yea..but I couldn't stop watching for some reason.

posted about 3 years ago

High school dxd for the coomers

but a couple of my fav's are Log Horizon, Gurren Lagann, FMA and Akame ga kill

posted about 3 years ago

Agreed. I think Acend, Gambit, and Fnatic. Still unsure about the last but either G2, FPX or Blaze.

Would love to see Liquid, but they are too inconsistent and no way they could win even if they qualify.

posted about 3 years ago

Fnatic and Liquid can still qualify you know?

posted about 3 years ago

Opinions on who qualifies.

4 EU teams?
Which TR teams have a chance?

Personally, I think Gambit can qualify.
TR? maybe Blaze after smoking OXG.

As for EU teams, it's kinda hard to predict, as they can all beat eachother on their best day.

posted about 3 years ago

I would respect you more if you came in saying the same thing but about NA. Also with your NA flag it would have had a greater effect.

Couldn't care less where you are from but we can agree on one thing, fanboys spoilt enjoyment of the game. That's true for me anyway.

posted about 3 years ago

Sorry, I hoped some had a sense of humor.

posted about 3 years ago

girlfriend? eww I meant godfather...

posted about 3 years ago

ask my gf

posted about 3 years ago

GG, I thought FPX would take this but hoped for a Liquid win.

My jaw has never been so close to the floor when L1NK killed the ANGE1 ace by winning that 4v1 on bind.

posted about 3 years ago

There is no bad name for Turkey bro, one match doesn't create a legacy. Turkey will shine I have no doubt, as will others, just be patient.

posted about 3 years ago

Region > Region > Region > Region > Region.

I could be wrong.

posted about 3 years ago

I wasn't sure on the outcome of this, Liquid won the last, and that was with cNed, but Liquid also are so inconsistent, mainly because of the UK players, that includes fnatic, but kryptix played pretty well.

Although for me russ stood out in this match, he's one to watch in the future.

posted about 3 years ago

GG Liquid but sheesh russ just put his name on the map.

posted about 3 years ago

Thanks for clarifying. The server issue, I think, isn't as big a problem on Valorant as other games though, from my experience. I play from UK and get between 80 and 100 ping to east/mid NA and I have to say, it's still a decent experience. I've watched streamers play NA East and West coast together and play on 60+ ping, depending on the server, still top fragging, but yeah, I understand for online play its preferable to have the lowest ping possible.

posted about 3 years ago

Apologies if this is a stupid question, but why does Champions tour do tournaments by smaller regions rather than by continent?

I know vlr mostly has continents in rankings, EU, NA, and Latin America but still has Korea, and Asia Pacific instead of just Asia.

Why not just have EU, NA, SA, Asia, Africa, and Oceania?

Oh, and sorry Antarctica if you have a Valorant team..

posted about 3 years ago

I wouldn't say I'm a fan per se but as one of the OG Valorant pro teams, I have followed their progress the most, like I have Liquid in EU and don't doubt their ability, just their consistency.
It's strange that all their players have huge ability but just aint cutting it atm, however, I wouldn't be surprise to see them get back to top form sooner or later.
Anyway, be a fan of whoever you like, just don't be a fanboy and call every other team/region trash because I guarantee, eventually, you will eat your words.

posted about 3 years ago

Rooting for OCE btw, I have family there and if I had the option, I'd move there in a second (AUS).

posted about 3 years ago

Watch the game for the player's skill and for how much you enjoy playing. Region fanboys are a bane on the community and it would be better without them.
Whoever wins in Iceland, just have pleasure watching the first Valorant LAN, not that anyway proves the best region.
After a year or two and several LAN's, then you can say for sure, which region is doing best.

posted about 3 years ago

Absolutely agree. It's like the EU scene is going through some kind of evoution, and I think for the better.

Without top teams losing, the drive for the lesser known, or "inferior" teams slowly goes away.

In my opinion, it's not top EU teams being inconsistent, it's just talent coming from others and mixing it up. There's a difference.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah, from what little I have seen from him I'm impressed.

I'd go as far as to say, pretty soon he could be a top choice in user's "dream team".

posted about 3 years ago

I couldn't watch, that resolution made me cross eyed, I started to trip balls and had a seizure, sorry.

posted about 3 years ago

I can't tell if this comment is meant to be ironic but if we are talking about Valorant as I would hope, EU is terribly inconsistent. I'm not saying its a bad thing, in fact, it makes it so much more exciting to watch. When you see big org's losing to unknown teams, it just shows the amount of world class players we have available.
Taking nothing away from NA, or ROW valorant, and being as impartial as possible, it wouldn't surprise me if a total underdog won the Iceland masters, but one LAN is also meaningless in the grand scheme.

posted about 3 years ago

I agree, on your first point. Also not to be devils advocate here, but CS has lasted the test of time, and I think will continue.
And btw I don't play CSGO, I still play 1.6, it's a better game in my opinion, regardless of graphics, I have more fun playing it than CSGO.
You will always have the minority, who fanboy over one game more than another, but the more attention you give them, the more attention they will get.

My advice is, Ignore, or even dont reply to the troll, fanboy comment's, and chances are, people will forget they even exist.

posted about 3 years ago

What is this a competition? Ok, maybe it is, but why make a big deal of it.
If you dislike Valorant, don't waste time in VAL forums, If you dislike CSGO, don't spend time in CSGO forums.
If you like both, then enjoy both. Don't compare games, it's a futile sentiment.

posted about 3 years ago

I see so many comments and messages saying which region is the best, but most answers come from national pride rather than rational thought.

I'm from UK and in Esport/fps terms we have always been lacking in talent, of course, there are exceptions, but I mean world class talent.

I do have a prediction though. Turkey have such a huge Valorant audience, I expect young talent will keep coming from there, and more than usual.

Of course NA will always produce great players, but I just think the play is too one dimensional atm. I'm not a csgo fan, I'm a 1.6 boomer but since EG, and Liquid, have played in EU, their game has improved and I think every region can learn from one of the others. By that I mean Valorant teams.

posted about 3 years ago

Apologies if this is the wrong place for it, but I just wanted to ask people's opinion on where the top fps talent has come from over the years?

Obviously it depends on population, but keeping that in mind I would put Sweden on top, after that the list is difficult.

I thought maybe USA next but they have a 250mil pop so of course they will.

posted about 3 years ago

This is what makes EU interesting. Great teams, and you can never be 100% sure who comes out on top. GG NiP showing their potential even more. Hopefully more great matches to come.

posted about 3 years ago

I think Tenz alone increases any chances his team has 2 fold, and taking nothing away from Acend, the team remind me of c9 when Tenz was playing. There's cNed who carries, and his team who just play ok, like Tenz and c9.

But EU and NA have such different play styles I couldn't possibly predict.

One thing I will say is, this first LAN masters wont represent the better regions, at least for NA and EU as you can't rate a region as a whole with only 2 teams representing, even if they win a tournament.

No doubt though, from what I've seen in twitch chat, whoever loses won't hear the end of it.

NA OMEGALUL, EU OMEGALUL, BR OMEGALUL. NA > EU, EU >NA, BR > NA > EU. I close chat when I watch matches now its exhausting just reading.

posted about 3 years ago

I would love to see Acend take this one home but purely from recent results I think Heretics win this 3-1.

Acend, please prove me wrong. Will be a great game either way.

posted about 3 years ago

Great game. GG Acend and so well played.

I'm loving the EU competetive scene right now with these smaller ORG's making their mark. Makes for some really exciting games.

No team is totally dominant and this is what I'm loving about Valorant right now.

posted about 3 years ago

I'm of course on the fence with this one. We cant know at the moment. I've watched a lot of both regions and agree, NA has a hell of a lot of top tier aimers individually and EU play more tactically.
Now I can name more gifted aimers from NA than EU but thats not what wins games (from what i have watched), however EU seems more competetive right now, by that I mean that big ORG's does not = tournament wins. Smaller ORG's like acend/ballista doing really well recently. NA, however, has many top/well funded ORG's at the moment and great synergy.

No way of knowing who's ahead atm, but either way, I enjoy watching both and think either way there will be some epic matches once the game goes worldwide and some huge viewership.

posted about 3 years ago

I was actually looking at aproto's stats and man, his h/s % is always high, granted he's a cypher main and won't always have a high score so I feel he's underrated.

posted about 4 years ago