not specifically valorant, just overall in esports
optic gaming
winning in cod, halo, valorant, apex (?), rocket league in the future (?)
edit : i didnt know TL was a NA org since they have a BR and EMEA team, oops
??? LMao ur tripping
edited my response :33
no ur still tripping. its not optic
Optic won a title in val/cod/halo/apex in the span of one month last year i was going crazy
and also overwatch i forgot about that
rn not so much but yeah
liquid has a grand slam in cs, one of the five gods in melee, and 4 split wins in LCS
yeah its either or they dont intersect in any epsorts so its hard to tell
rn in the larger esports liquid def takes the cake imo
i didnt know liquid was a NA org, my bad
Liquid also won Dota 2 TI and Dota 2 major. Liquid by far is the most successful esports org
Sentinels in overall esports? Hell no
bro said Sentinels 💀
sen makes no money in esports
NA is either C9 or Liquid
Liquid from netherlands no? Only NA in cs
💔🐶💔 they have an LCS team and HBox for Melee
They have netherlands hq mb i thought they were from there
they have two HQs, netherlands and LA
three, another in Brazil
True but Liquid also has American and Netherlands ownership, not any Brazilian ownership
Loud > all in brazil
Kru problly, kinda sad.
9z in Latam/Argentina
In kr its def T1, China ig its EDG
MIBR in brazil i think
Or SK or luminosity or furia.
sk and luminosity not BR, Furia maybe, they are good in a lot of sports, but didnt win as many as mibr
Wot, i thought luminosity and sk were br, my brain melted.
only the players were, the orgs are not
i think in terms of clout its C9 or OpTic
ive known these orgs since forever, cs cod fortnite
astralis in cs, redefined cs with their utilities usage and beautiful executes
Furia brazil