why are there no black pro valorant player or popular content creator
ppl love asian
i think it’s because valorant is more popular among the asian community as a game.
same with league of legends.
the demographic is what it is.
i think console games are more prevalent for black people? like the ps5 and shit.
you are racist, and are now banished to the racist realm. don't worry, gamr is also there, he desperately needs company
note: this is satire, for the sake of not getting jumped by TGRD fans
thoughts? this is certainly one of the takes from moca xoxo
dgzin is white now
Dgzin, valyn, virtyy have now changed their race and ethnicity
why are there no cowboy pro valorant player or popular content creator
exactly.. texas is twice as big as the US yet we don't see any pro cowboy smh
yay is a cowboy
i can think of myth and sydeon
it is rare though.