classic shahzam strats: become complacent when you start winning and refuse to change up strats so you end up getting countered by the worst team on your best map
G2Shahzam stay hidden for your own good
waiting for his classic twitch 'excuse' clip to drop in
waiting for him to throw someone else under the bus like he did with zombs
“Yeah mike just doesnt have that winning mentality”
"YoU GuYz Don'T UnDerStaNd" "it was because of X" 'Shut up!(high pitched screaming)"
speaking of classic
losing to mid lions is crazy wtf
trick owns g2
Classic vlr strats : shit on a team as soon as they start doing bad for a season
classic vlr dickrider strats: become unable to comprehend words and twist them into hate rather than realizing it's just a factual statement
holy dickrider
I just hate it when people overreact and shit on one player/team for so long.
I.E Sentinels, Shahzam
Do you have nothing better to do?
it's been 3 games this split and they lost to one bottom team (OREsports) and are likely gonna lose to mad also, how is it overreacting