Will u be watchin the matches rest of the split? omegalul.
definitely yes, its like watching GE with no indians playing.
yes .. but it doesn’t feel the same..
he and the rest of OG sen is what got make into val
Same with me 😭
OG OG SEN was betta
real fans remember SEN dizzy fr
no i only watched valulrant for t0nz, if he doesn't sign with DSG in a month i'm retiring from vlr.
I hekkin love Tenz BatChest
yeah, only change is I'll be indifferent to SEN instead of rooting for them because it don't feel the same
rooting for their downfall until ben tenz is back smh
And then tenz will take care
I hecking love TenZ but with the way you said it I had to
nah, that's kinda lame because SEN made a reasonable decision. It's just I like watching him play and I'll always root for whatever team he is in but that's about it
An open letter to all Tenz fans,
Please quit Valorant. Quit eSports for good. I hate interacting with you on forums, you're insufferable. Please leave.