we are an ascendant team in india looking for scrims. mumbai server is preferred singapore is also fine
Sure, my team are diamond range i guess? Dm if u want
dmed u
aJAYYY been quiet recently. How are you man
good, ajay just dont open vlr.gg often
I see, well at least you're good
we're not diamond btw its cause this stupid ajay dog is plat so he brought the team average down
You are silvers wtf
Scrim against my frankfurt plat team🗿
aight scrim now
scrim against us, we are iron-silver and we can beat y'all easily 😈
Let me guess, you guys deserve immortal? It's because of your teammates?
how did you know???
I'm just too smart 😈😈😈
yep 💪, they can't beat us my friend
Are y'all free around 11pm sgt? My team may be free for a scrim