100T have been looking rough, i expect turn around though i doubt it comes in drastic ways. Everyone sees the hole sgares left it would be nice to see depth added to this coaching staff, sykko is a good idea but i don't think it matters who they will just need someone with a level of experience like sgares, the team is evolving to a less structured way of play, they will learn and improve. While I don't see them qualifying to tokyo I believe they can make playoffs and have a strong LCQ run. For 100T to make playoffs currently they must beat Kru and unless they upset, furia, loud, NRG or LEV they also have to beat mibr. Beating MIBR and Kru whilst losing to nrg, lev, furia and loud would leave them at 3-7 which will likely not get them into playoffs I would imagine the threshold being atleast 4 wins or more. It looks grim for 100T as they undergo changes in the way they call and plan with the loss of sgares but there is a high chance this team can pull through, they are made up of strong players and stellar has amazing igling capabilities.
How do you think 100T need to change to improve.
(im not discussing roster changes because I think at this time that will do nothing improvement wise no matter the skill of the player)