dephh moving to the flashing initiator role seems to be creating some fundamental problems. as a direct result of this, sacy and pancada are playing new roles. i'm sure they'll get better playing these new roles as time progresses but it doesn't make much sense picking up one of the best controllers and initiators in the world if they can't play on their respective roles. I also think this has put tenz into an awkward situation. we've seen him expand his agent pool like in the ludqig/tarik invitational where he played kayo (and his kayo looked pretty good). i find this particularly sad because now he's forced to play mainly jett where if he underperforms he's hated on by everyone watching him. I'm not sure what the solution is if dephh decides to permanently adopt the flashing initiator role, but if this roster was truly built around utilizing tenz's skill, then I think they're doing a poor job so far. only time will tell.