Who will be the in the last place at the end of the season? i'm putting my money on EG
EG they look like the worse roster in Americas league
Right now Kru way better than EG
kru atleast have keznit, everyone on EG is bad af
Don't do my mans bcj like that
EG looks lost team wise. KRU at least has every players roles figured out
Keznit can 1v9, jawgemo can't
he cant out aim our boys daveeys and melser if they hold his ass like they did on ascent a site against mibr
EG definitely
EG has 0 direction atm
kru 13-0 13-5
I really think KRU can beat 100T and SEN
Likely or upset? I could see them upsetting them for sure
SEN and 100T are better nowadays, but KRU evolved a lot in one week ...
yea that daveys guy is actually rlly good
Melser and Keznit are great too. Just Klaus that is lost.
And nagz...
Nagz played good against mibr
Kru is improving, slow but improving, they will destroy EG.
eg look so lost
real 10th is 100t vs eg, kru is 8th-6th
random to put 100ts 9th/10th
even rrq beats EG 26-0 kekw
just watching the games i can already tell Kru are much better team than EG and with more lasting potential.