who wins
I have RRQ 2-0
KC aim diffs to win 2-0
only 2 people on that team can aim and one of them can only aim if he doesn't forget to buy a gun XD
w archetype, but I still hate you for jinx rrq (well it's not really a jinx when they suck atm)
wait when did i jinx rrq
idk maybe in my dreams, but still I hate you even it's only dream
what i do hehe
RRQ 2-1 KC all maps go multiple OT garbage ass teams pls remove these 2
rrq actually looks like a team today
but yeah kc is absolute garbango give franchising spot to gambit esports
no they don't 😭 zero coordination
they're actually on today
Obv RRQ. Just pick defense and stay on site. Because KC will lose to time. LOL...
APAC aggression would make each one of KC players have a heart attack
KC clears everyone in lulcific
DFM will beat the shit out of KC\
KC would simply aim diff these noobs