SEN vs 100T

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Main takeaways from the game were

-both teams were mediocre at setting their star players up especially on ascent, while most teams have a player post up with the op to break the kj turret at b main and take heavy b main control on defense what SEN and 100T did were just let their oper play mid or play on site for the most part without any help
-SEN were shooting big time, the starpower on this roster started to show in this game even tho pancada had a sleeper map 1 and 2
-100T look way better than their lockin performance and they seem to be making less/barely any individual mistakes but it was to a point where they took barely any risks at all
-Both teams played very well but map 1 wasnt as close as the scoreline might suggest and people are not giving dephh enough credit here, his midrounding was amazing and in the later half of the maps after they ran out of strats (or so it seemed ) dephh really managed to keep calm and call really well even on a 9-12 deficit meanwhile 100T are still going for the loose playstyle and havent found the balance between stratbook utilization and playing loosely
-TenZ and Zekken also looked unbeatable and special mention to sacy for doing quite well

Tldr; sen shoot gun good, better midrounding while 100T suffer from same problems but have improved quite a bit from lockin and zekken and sacy are the goats


Fair enough


real fr (i didnt read the thread)

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