I swear man, the people on youtube watching these matches are something else....
I legit read these things in the chat :
Are Berlin out of Liquid?????
you know tenz tight and he is not op main (don't know the thought process behind this one at all lmao)
how many chuthiyes in chat? ( my brown brothers will understand lmaooooooo)
this is remebering me of jet line "they lik us, but the not us?" (I think he meant a Jett line but I'm not sure hmmmmmmmm xD)
Barcelona dropped Messi for cNed, Unlucky really...... (lmao I love these)
TALIBAN-SEN 3-2.Maps:Taliban 13-0 Sentinels..... (ok buddyyyyy lol)
CNed Turkish HARD gaymer boy......
Hahahaha these are some which I saw in 5 mins lmao. maybe twitch chat is so fast that we don't see much stuff like this but still funny lol....