1.DRX 2.Team Secret 3.PRX(with troll comps still win) 4.GenG 5.T1 6.Global Esports 7.Talon Esports 8.Zeta Division 9.DetonatioN FocusMe 0.ArghArghQueue
Talon over ge Geng over secret
stupid according to rnd check in vlr
I don't think the pearl comp was troll tbh Lotus maybe but it was rusty cuz f0rsaken
1.DRX 2.GENG 3.Team Secret 4.TALON 5.T1 6.PRX 7.Global Esports 8.Zeta Division 9.RRQ 10.DFM
Nah fam Gen.G over TS is wrong on so many levels.
We will see in two weeks. Rn they're equal in my eyes.