in a live stream on twitch, saadhak said they were all set to go to the US, office, apartment... then on the 17th on saadhak's birthday the owner or guy who arranged everything with loud called them and they cancelled everything. which org did this?
probably a non-franchised org that have a CT near to sentinels, because Pancada said that Aspas was going to live near him and now Aspas is living with the other guys in a GH
NA really trying their best to screw Brazil with money power:
splitting LOUD by picking two of their players
making the America's franchising base on LA, so T2 brazilian teams can't scrim with their best teams
canceling LOUD's office on last minute so they cant have propper practice
😭 😭 😭
NA really trying their best to screw Brazil with money power:
splitting LOUD by picking two of their players
making the America's franchising base on LA, so T2 brazilian teams can't scrim with their best teams
canceling LOUD's office on last minute so they cant have propper practice
the event was holded by riot international so cant really blame it on brazilians, not a single brazilian was working there despite of the talent and the proper place security which was next to the crowd and the entrances.