Saying he shouldnt get a CS2 beta key cuz he sold out to valorant and thrashed talked CS joe. XD
this is just from the perspective of an NA CS fan
edit: forgot to add that C9 literally won us our first major as soon as that bot shroud got kicked 😭😭😭😭
he's the most overhyped pro in the history of any pro scene ever. he was overhyped in cs cause of his reddit clips, overhyped in pubg AGAIN cause of his reddit clips (he wouldn't hold a candle to any of the pubg pros back then or even now) and AGAIN overhyped in valorant, so much so he made it to the fucking tier1 scene. Dude has ALWAYS been a grifter and a sellout, and personally idc for him OR the fact that he sells out i just wanna know why he's rated so highly when he clearly is just a content creator riding whatever wave comes his way
shroud shit on cs bc the game was in a shit state, nothing wrong with him now coming back to it bc of hype and valve actually trying to improve something. he came to val to stream, made a profit, and now will stream both to make even more money. it's a business at the end of the day. valve definitely knows that and gave him a key as his traction helps their traction. they don't really care about people on hltv crying about it, and really no one should