Bro who the fuck thinks D3ffo > cNed?? D3ffo is probably the worst player in GMB, and I was just saying it because the guy of the thread is a GMB fan. Still upfrags and downfraggs are useless, they aren't even the way of earning and loosing stars
So many baiters at this point who knows, who is baiting or who is just joking around.
But do you know what a lot of jokes are kinda obvious(like yours) but vlr users just don't understand the concept of sarcasm for some reason......
Yup LOL.
Btw I made a thread like 2 weeks ago with a copypasta saying I had like 200 IQ and I am smarter then Einstien. It was so painfully obvious that it was joke but I still got -22 on my thread lmaooo