Operator - If you wanna have good impact and carry you gotta be good at opping, The op has the most impactful kills. get an early pick then its a 4v5. not only that, it also gets in the enemies heads (they have to avoid you, and shit like that)
Duelist - Again if you wanna be impactful you gotta play duelist and play duelist right, Entry and get entry kills, if you dont get any kills as youre entrying, you're just average and youll never get out of your rank. having confidence and peeking to get a pick. Basically just like the operator but You're aim dueling with a rifle, or you can just use the op.
Impact - Its literally just the impact. you can carry or get out of rank with any agent, just be impactful. Its the impact of your kills, and also your utility and the way your position yourself for your teammates. A good kill would be getting a kill when the enemies are entrying site (you getting a kill from an unexpected spot might distract the enemies to set your teammates up for easy kills, depends) trading your teammates and such (This is a support characters job to trade your duelist) Also keep in mind this is ranked, youre playing with randoms so you gotta know your teammates playstyle and just play off of them (its not easy but just try to read their mind). If you have a duo, that would be alot easier for positioning. Your utility should be used for your duelist as he entries site, make it easier for him to open site. when youre defending, it should be used for yourself and your team for easy kills and distraction.