left fnc to join C9??? HUGE L. lost all respect for boaster
horrible bait bro
go wank to ur keqing shush
i done alr i got 2 hour cooldown
shes so mid
whos do you think is better
yelan clears
Nah there’s better but she up there
bro for a sec....
https://www.oneesports.gg/valorant/cloud9-new-roster-runi-jake-yay-vanity/ its true read this
i believe that this link is the most faker link in the world.
faker? hes playing league of elgends in t1
wtf i got some feet ad on that site
clicked link for feet.
didnt get feet :(
tough world we live in
bro looking for drama
C9 too broke to even think that lmaoo
They dropped jake to sign a worse jake