"bEsT tEaM iN tHe WoRlD" "GiVe ThEm ThE tRoPhY aLrEaDy" "GiVe ThEm MaStErS tOo"
I have to retract my previous statements about NAVI/FPX, they're actually DOGSHIT when they cant just out aim their opponents 😪
they will never beat leo best initiator in the world...
dogshit? literally NAVI in top 3 teams in the world, Fnatic just better
I guess it's just your pain because of 2:0 with Leviatán
Top 5 at best. LOUD, FNC, DRX, and NRG clear 🥱🥱🥱 Could be even lower since Furia played against Fnatic better
I guess Alfajer is the better turk
Laugh thread