From what we've seen, LOUD/Furia/Leviatan , NRG/100T are the top5 rn... I don't think C9 are that good. Sentinels not good enough to beat LOUD/NRG/LEV.
LOUD are the world champions, and caunazin/tuyz are the future. NRG second as they almost beat LOUD and have their core will only get better with sOm and Ardiis synergy build up.
LEV have proven to be a new force, and I put them slighlty below the above two until we see their performance in Masters tokyo to justify them over the above 2.
100T despite the close games were together for a long time (only cryo new), the loss of sgares their former head coach hurt them strategically and its clear. They play to the level of their opponent.
FURIA performed better than expectations against FNC, and have shown promise. If they get better replacement for some of their players they could be a contender. But still solid team.
C9 beat PRX, but I still am not convinced of this team, they also have lost yay.
SEN is decent, but held back by comms, dephh not a strong igl, and zekken underperformance. if they perform well, I still dont see them winning over the TOP 3 teams.(NRG.LOUD.LEV)
EG feel like imposters.. not impressed despite the wins. They need switch some players around.
KRU plundered their best players mazin/keznit, and couldn't hold onto their coach. GG.
MIBR looked underwhelming.